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Current Series:

Triad of The Spirit Star

Three girls are tasked with protecting their little village from the ravages of the Spirit world. They must harness the energy of the Heaven, Hell and the Andromeda Stars to do so.

Press the NEW slot to watch the latest episode!


The 80s, 90s and early 00s are behind us.

Yet, I still feel such nostalgia for the anime of those times.

The watercolor paints that textured out backgrounds. The flecks of dust and debris that flicked on our screen for less than half a second. The vibrant pastel of Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura muted by the camera. What were once limitations of the medium are the very things that drew me to the classics, and I only wish we could see more anime like that come out. This was the dream that birthed FairyTime Studio.

Here I promise not only to try to replicate that same magic but also to create games that are more inclusive.

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15/03/23 - Fruit

Sicily’s blue lips had kissed death so often
The soot of his breath clung between her teeth;
And when she breathed a gust of it went out
And rot the words before they came to me.